Self-published 2015, 24pp, small magazine format
£3 including P&P within the UK or FREE if ordered with any other title - contact us to order now!

This special limited-edition (500 copies) glossy 24-page booklet was originally published to accompany the launch of Fighting the Kaiser's War at the Memorial Museum Passchendaele in Zonnebeke in April 2015.
The contents of this booklet were subsequently revised and translated to German as a chapter of Von Armentières nach Langemarck. It will also appear in the English version of that book when it appears in 2020. The Saxons at Zonnebeke has thus become a preview of our second book!
Since we were present for the centenary commemoration of the Second Battle of Ypres, the booklet greatly expands on the crucial part played by the Saxon / Württemberg XXVII. Reserve-Korps in the German offensive (including the original plan whereby chlorine gas would have been be debuted on their front at Polygon Wood, rather than north of Ypres as was ultimately the case). Most significantly for our launch event, it describes the capture of the village of Zonnebeke by the Saxons of 53. Reserve-Division on 4 May 1915.
The booklet features numerous original photos recently unearthed in Germany, including some extremely graphic images of the battlefield in the immediate aftermath of combat. It includes a glossy printed errata sheet (featuring yet another exclusive photo!) correcting a couple of small errors that were discovered too late in the production process.

Remaining copies can be purchased from us for 3 GBP / 4 EUR (including postage within Europe) while stocks last. Alternatively, if you catch Andrew at a living history event and purchase a signed copy of one of our full-length books from him in person, he will be delighted to include a complimentary copy of the booklet as a bonus.