This is the central repository of articles by our authors, including supplementary material for our books. It includes pieces written elsewhere online (which may now require Facebook login) as well as exclusives for this website.
My six-part series on my Saxon Great-Grandfather's war is complete and available here as downloadable PDFs.
My series on Saxon Landsturm infantry battalions is complete and indexed here.
The remainder of my weekly WW1 Saxon articles for Colonel Joe Robinson's WW1 German history group are complete and indexed here.

A review of the richly illustrated and lovingly annotated personal war diary of an officer in Kurhessisches Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 11. Intriguingly for us, he had served in peacetime in the Royal Saxon Army (with Kgl. Sächs. 2. Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 13 in Freiberg).
Buy it here: https://www.theothertrench.com/

Jürgen Schmieschek recently wrote a piece aimed at local audiences in Chemnitz, introducing the remarkably well-preserved Soldatenfriedhof Quesnoy-sur-Deûle (divisional cemetery of 40. Infanterie-Division until summer 1916) and the wider history of the Chemnitz regiments IR 104 and IR 181 in the Ploegsteert Wood area.

A review of Chris Dale's second single-volume reference work, this time covering the traditions and uniforms of the (pre-war) German cavalry.
Buy it here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Traditions-Imperial-German-Cavalry-Regiments/dp/B0CH2MFBPH/

Here I present bonus material for my article An 'Argonaut Voyage' into Chaos - Saxon 212. Infanterie-Division in Southern Ukraine, April 1918 - March 1919 in Stand To! Number 132 ('Ukraine special', October 2023).
I may add to this intermittently - please let me know if you would like to see more on this subject!

On Thursday November 11th 2021 I had the great pleasure of accompanying my lovely wife Diana to the Esher Theatre, for the most appropriately scheduled premiere of a short run of R.C. Sherriff's "Journey's End". Neither of us had been to the theatre in years (and haven't been out much at all since 2019 of course), which added an extra frisson of excitement...
This play has had a special significance for the Lucas family ever since the discovery of our family connection to the battalion, which set my father on the path which led to the writing of The Journey's End Battalion.