
Jürgen Schmieschek recently wrote a piece aimed at local audiences in Chemnitz, introducing the remarkably well-preserved Soldatenfriedhof Quesnoy-sur-Deûle (divisional cemetery of 40. Infanterie-Division until summer 1916) and the wider history of the Chemnitz regiments IR 104 and IR 181 in the Ploegsteert Wood area. You can download it in both English and German HERE.

Stand To! Number 132 is a 'Ukraine special' and features a new ten-page article by Andrew Lucas on the experiences of Saxon 212. Infanterie-Division in Ukraine between April 1918 and March 1919 - as the dates indicate, their return home after the war was not straightforward!

You will find extensive bonus material for the article HERE, including additional maps and photos.

My six-part series on my Saxon Great-Grandfather's war (originally written for Colonel Joe Robinson's WW1 German history Facebook group) is now available here in slightly updated form as downloadable PDFs. This is intended to make the content available to a wider audience again since the group (which we highly recommend to our readers) became members only.

We are honoured to announce the release of the third volume by my father Michael Lucas. Building on years of research that began with our family connection to the 9th Battalion East Surrey Regiment, his new book The Real 'General Mitford' looks at their original brigade commander. This handsome self-published 202-page softback follows Major General Bertram Reveley Mitford through many years of struggle against fanatical Sudanese Dervishes, wily Boer commandos, the industrialised military might of Germany and - of course - the unforgiving internal politics of the British General Staff.

Like our friend Generalmajor Kaden, Mitford ultimately fell foul of the disfavour of higher command. The author carefully explores Mitford's professional relationships with the (often far better-known) personalities and institutions involved, and throws much light on the place of the brigade and divisional commander within the BEF. On the way we gain fascinating and detailed insight into the formations Mitford commanded and their numerous engagements, culminating in the hellish Third Battle of Ypres (where he led the territorial 42nd Division against Württemberg 27. Infanterie-Division).

The Real 'General Mitford' can be purchased now direct from the author for £13 + £3 for 2nd class P&P within the UK - please contact us to order your copy today!

After persistent nagging SSL problems with our hosting company (which was the reason for the spurious browser security warnings you may have encountered here), we have migrated to a new host and revamped the site!

The Addenda and Corrigenda for the hardback edition of Fighting the Kaiser's War are now fully up to date. The forthcoming paperback edition has already been updated accordingly.

In addition, I have now created separate indexes for the Saxon Landsturm infantry series, my Great-Grandfather's war and the rest of my articles for the WW1 German history group. This should greatly improve the readability of the main features index.