
Yes, our first book Fighting the Kaiser's War is now officially SOLD OUT from Pen & Sword in its hardback edition! However you can still buy it from them in e-book format, and other sellers (including Amazon) still have copies. I also have a modest supply at our English 'office', so did not hesitate to contact us while stocks last!

What happens next remains to be seen, but this is a definite success for us and a clear demonstration that there is a significant audience for our chosen subject matter in English. Thankyou to one and all who bought and read our books, wrote reviews (always a big help), followed our writing on social media and recommended our work to others. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Our new book For King and Kaiser has been out for a little over a month now. It sits proudly on my bookshelf next to its German version and our first book, and the first (glowing) review has appeared...we eagerly await more!

Naturally we both have some copies available for sale, so you can get any of our books signed by myself or Jürgen (depending on whether you order from our English or our Saxon HQ) while stocks last! Simply contact us with your requirements and we will make sure you get your order in time for Christmas. :)

I am still writing a weekly blog post every Thursday for Colonel Joe Robinson's WW1 German history Facebook group. He has archived a few of them on his website and I will try to upload more of them here as time allows.

More articles will be added to our Features page as time permits. Please follow the WW1 German history group to see them first, and of course to read the work of an impressive array of other authors in the field!

Ahead of the publication of For King and Kaiser in hardback I am currently writing a weekly blog post every Thursday for Colonel Joe Robinson's excellent Facebook group WW1 German history. He is archiving these articles himself on his website

In addition you will be able to read all of these pieces here (suitably tidied up and revised to fit the regular website format) on our Features page. So far I have published the first four, dealing with two featured diarists from For King and Kaiser and two from Fighting the Kaiser's War. Each of these articles is based around a single diary entry and serves as an introduction to that individual's war service and writings.

More articles will be added as time permits. Please follow the WW1 German history group to see them first, and to read the work of an impressive array of other authors in the field!

I'm delighted to report that For King and Kaiser is now up for pre-order from Pen & Sword, and is due to be out officially on 30th September 2020! [delayed due to COVID]

Diana and I aim to attend several living history events this year, and will have copies of the new book for sale as soon as we have them. I will be writing some more articles over the coming weeks to promote it and the study of the Royal Saxon Army in WW1, and would be very interested in speaking engagements or other appearances.

Please take a look at my review of a Saxon staff officer's diary recently published by the AKSMG and some useful maps of the Peacetime garrisons of the Royal Saxon Army. I've also added our Stand To! articles (complete with links to the relevant online issues for WFA members) to the still very incomplete list of our publications. Most significantly, Jürgen has a lot of credits as a collaborator on Great War publications in German and Flemish which should be added soon.

I intend to keep up a semi-regular round of updates on this site, with at least one new article per month. Onwards and upwards!